Thursday, November 26, 2009

the notorious begining

I suppose most blogs start out with the same rambling of this being their first blog post blah blah blah.

so now that that is out of the way.... :)

a little about my desire to start a blog....

1. I think everyone should listen (see) what I have to say, as I also think I have amusing things to say.

2. I'm vain, and I've always liked the idea of people stalking me, as long as I have control over what they see

3. I need to practice typing OFF of my phone....although, not having a computer may make this difficult.

4. And lastly, I have the memory of a 2 year old with ADD*^, so I think this would be a nice way to journal my thoughts and know, to have them later.**

some things that you'll notice about my blog...

1. I enjoy spacing. Too many words too close together makes me want to punch you.

2. **I type like I speak. So in some cases, you will see proper grammar and others, just read it as if someone were actually saying it :)

3. I am a fan of emotions :) just to better stress my points.

4. I am opinionated (and always right ;) )....and I warn you, that some of my topics of conversation will be intended to put a twist in your panties.

5. I will not use names, unless I've been given permission (or unless it's already thrown in the news by someone else, i.e. celebs, politics,news)....I mean business is mine to share....I'll let you share yours.

6. I like lyrics. Sometimes someone else can say it better.

It's Thanksgiving. The first major holiday without my grandma. I'm sad.

On a happy note, it's the first major holiday WITH my new baby niece, and she brings me much joy.

I am also in love....with "boy"....its a weird/new/exciting emotion I'm adding to the box.

*2 year old with ADD memory: by this I mean...I rarely remember things....and if I do, they are rarely accurate and usually filled with added bonus of my imagination. My friends, family and boy love to laugh at this....

^ADD: I actually don't believe ADD is a real thing (heavily opinionated blog to follow). So if I use terms like this, please note that I use them loosely.

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